
Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Basics to Numerology

Numerology is a belief that there is a relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things, in other words the study of numbers in which they may reflect character tendencies as part of the cosmic plan. Numerology has often been associated with the occult and astrology and other divinatory arts.

When numbers are used can show a great deal about a person, their character, and their purpose in life, what motives are influencing them and where their talents may lie. The numbers also tell what motivates the person and experts in numerology use numbers to determine the best times to do things such as make a large move, change jobs, and other things that can affect a person's life. With these numbers readings are done and written on a chart to compile a reading. Numerologists believe everything relates to numbers, and even abstract concepts can be converted to numbers and these numbers have specific meanings. Using any word or name a number value can be found and this reflects the hidden meaning.